The Path of Interpreting between Human and World - A Path Toward Johann Michel's Homo Interpretans
人與世界之間的詮釋路徑——一種朝向Johann Michel 的「在詮釋之『中』的人」的路徑
作者:Huang, Cristal
Volume:50 Issue:6
Published:JUN 2023
The paper focuses on working through contemporary French philosopher Johann Michel's important book: Homo Interpretans, by analysing through his important contents, to introduce contemporary studies on philosophy of society, and on Hermeneutics. And the paper goes through Michel's studies on Paul Ricoeur in recent years, on Michel's own contribution: Homo Interpretans. The paper will continue to analyse and integrate in order to establish the studying path between selfness and worldness, and the path between homo and world.
本文透過解析當代法國學者,Johann Michel的重要著作Homo Interpretans,以專書中重要內容,並引介與當代歐洲學術上之社會哲學、詮釋學相關的內容,也透過其近年的呂格爾研究心得,提出個人的專論:詮釋之中的人之研究。本文並進而透過整理,建立出有關自身性與世界性的,人與世界的路徑研究。
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